Friday, January 30, 2009


Any of you like Rap?



Meaning of certain words:-
Text books = Something we never read
maybe = NO Way
Whatever = Shit, i lost this argument gotta get out of it cool
Money = Power ( xD)
Politician = Pak lah (You don't get my joke? me too)
UMNO = United Mafia National Organisation

And our one and only famous words we say every week without noticing.
Our Rukun Negara uncorked!!

1.Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan

OK, i shouldn't say anything about this one

2.Kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara

Yeah, ask our politicians about this one(if they follow it that is ;D)

3.Keluhuran perlembagaan
Alright... *checking dictionary* Weird, its kinda the same meaning as kedaulatan undang-undang! Were they on drugs when the made this?!?!??!

4.Kedaulatan undang-undang
The law as being the highest power which one must obey?
Who the hell follows it nowadays? Our country's leaders don't seem to... ;)

5.Kesopanan dan kesusilaan
Be proper and well mannerred. Yeah!! Lets REMP-it!!


Finally i devised it!!


1.Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
2.Kesetiaan kepada diri sendiri
3.Sama dengan 4
4.Kelemahan undang-undang
5.PAK LAH baby!!!!

Nyahahahahhahhahahhaha *farted*

Okie dokie I gotta go.

American idol

Blah blah,

HI there, just watch American idol(friday). There was this wacko guy that cracked me up. He's so freaking creative. He did all kinds of weird funny stuff and when the judges said no to him he ran out of the room ecstatic and happy shouting "I GOT A NO!! YEAH!!!". Man, i can't stop laughing.

Okie dokie.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Open day... and a Challenge!!!!

What am i talking about? Its what i call Heaven for some and Hell for some. Its what i call Respect gained for some and respect lost for some. And its what i call a day where students collect fruits of what they sow. This something is what i call "Open day".

Ok ok, i'm gonna stop with the boring talk. Anyway my parents are angry especially because i failed add maths. All my brothers never failed add maths and thus i shouldn't too. Guess i'm the stupid one xD.

Well let me cut to the point, this 'challenge' is directed to those who did well for their exam(yeah, people like Alan, Arif, whatever). In the the future exams, I will beat you all and be number one in the form!!

Note: Yeah, a damn hard task but at least since i made this challenge it will give me more motivation and benefit me in the long run xD

Sunday, January 4, 2009

School tomorrow


School starts tomorrow... I'm kinda excited for my results eventhough i know i won't do well xD. Well, i just wanna say good luck to everybody for their results!

BTW i just came back from terengganu, and for those of you who has never been there let me just tell you my experiences. Basically the wind is blowing 24/7 when i was there, it was because of the monsoon, and it also rained very often(not heavy rain though).
One thing i noticed was that their astro connection is really bad cause of the constant wind and rain. I kinda pity them lol.

ok ok, i'm not gonna bore you anymore. Bye