Meaning of certain words:-
Text books = Something we never read
maybe = NO Way
Whatever = Shit, i lost this argument gotta get out of it cool
Money = Power ( xD)
Politician = Pak lah (You don't get my joke? me too)
UMNO = United Mafia National Organisation
And our one and only famous words we say every week without noticing.
Our Rukun Negara uncorked!!
1.Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
OK, i shouldn't say anything about this one
2.Kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara
Yeah, ask our politicians about this one(if they follow it that is ;D)
3.Keluhuran perlembagaan
Alright... *checking dictionary* Weird, its kinda the same meaning as kedaulatan undang-undang! Were they on drugs when the made this?!?!??!
4.Kedaulatan undang-undang
The law as being the highest power which one must obey?
Who the hell follows it nowadays? Our country's leaders don't seem to... ;)
5.Kesopanan dan kesusilaan
Be proper and well mannerred. Yeah!! Lets REMP-it!!
Finally i devised it!!
1.Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
2.Kesetiaan kepada diri sendiri
3.Sama dengan 4
4.Kelemahan undang-undang
5.PAK LAH baby!!!!
Nyahahahahhahhahahhaha *farted*
Okie dokie I gotta go.
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